Lightweight Structures

July 1, 2018 — July 5, 2018

Insights into the methods and possibilities of lightweight structures and construction. Understand historical background, apply modern design methods, develop a design project.
Application of both analogue / experimental and digital / computer aided methods of form finding in architecture. Technology transfer of methods of lightweight structures as applied in car / aircraft industries into the field of architecture and structural engineering.
Establish a cooperation between NTNU Trondheim and Biberach University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with University of Stuttgart.
(Irmgard Lochner, Hochschule Biberach)


Hochschule Biberach / Biberach University of Applied Sciences, Germany


NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Financial Support:

DAAD, Germany

Technological and financial support:

ALTAIR, Germany


Teachers and students of architecture and engineering of NTNU Trondheim and Hochschule Biberach



Saturday — June 30, 2018

„Inofficial take-off“ with meet-up in Biberach around 21:00 (time slot has been updated!) at a bar, proposedly „Café Berlin“  Saudengasse 9, 88400 Berlin. Please drop a note to Irmgard Lochner ( if you plan to come around.

Sunday — July 1, 2018

Exkursion: Munich. Bus leaving at 7:50 (Hochschule Biberach) / 8:00 (Heusteige, near Jugendherberge Biberach).
11:00: Olympiapark (Behnisch Partners, Otto, Leonhardt et al.)Guided tour „Architek-Tour
13:00: Walk through Olympic Park towards „BMW Welt“.
13:30: Snack and visit „BMW Welt“ (Coop Himmel(l)au).
15:30: Visit Munich City.
17:30: Visit typical „Biergarten„.
19:00: Return to Biberach.

Monday — July 2, 2018

Exkursion: Stuttgart. Bus leaving at 7:50 (Hochschule Biberach) / 8:00 (Heusteige, near Jugendherberge Biberach)
11:00: Visit / guided tours at Institute of Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design ILEK, Uni Stuttgart.
13:30: Visit Turmforum Stuttgart 21. An exhibition showing the re-construction of Stuttgart Main Station.
14:30: Visit / presentation at Institute of Computational Design ICD, Uni Stuttgart.
16:00: Short visit of Stuttgart, City, Schlossplatz.
17:00: Return to Biberach.

19:00 pm: Welcome. HBC Hochschule Biberach, Karlstr. 11, Building C, Room C2.19.
Welcome address: Prof. Ute Meyer, dean of the department of architecture and energy engineering.
Evening lectures. Guest professors from NTNU Trondheim at Biberach University of Applied Sciences:
Prof. Bendik Manum, Prof. Anders Ronnquist: „Teaching across the borders between architecture and engineering“
Prof. August Schmidt: „Designing and constructing projects with students of architecture and engineering“.

Tuesday — July 3, 2018

9 am: Welcome and introductory lectures.
Prof. Wolfgang Brune: „The idea of construction“. Prof. Irmgard Lochner: „Lightweight structures – the inverse way“.
Introduction to Topology Optimization Tools: Jan Grasmannsdorf, Altair Germany. Development of design studies using computational methods of form finding of lightweight structures.
1 pm: Lunch time lectures: Prof. Maximilian Rimmel: „Light and heavy“. Prof. Jörg Aldinger: „Sustainability in numbers“.
Workshop: Further development of design studies using computational methods.

Wednesday — July 4, 2018

Workshop: Studies using experimental methods of form finding (hanging models, soap films, foam, chains, …) as comparative studies related to computational methods. Development of a design project (individual or group work) using both digital and analogue form finding methods.

Thursday — July 5, 2018

Workshop: Wrap-up and presentation of the insights gained during the summer school.
Common lunch at refectory. End of workshop early afternoon.

See the program flyer here: Structures Summer School 2018
